Certainty Withdrawals Symptoms
Jan 18, 2023My client came last week wanting to get rid of the anxiety she experienced interviewing.
She is a straight-A type, dots the i's and crosses the t's, and a zero inbox kinda person.
After digging, the anxiety was not as much about interviewing as the uncertainty of waiting for the company's response.
She likes to be in control of the outcome.
A subject of predilection for me :)
I went all spiritual on her and shared Pema Chodron's take on it:
"When we avoid uncertainty, we will have withdrawal symptoms from always thinking that there is a problem and that someone, somewhere, needs to fix it."
What if she was addicted to certainty?
Living in New York doesn't help.
We all want it now and fixed.
So we worked on cleaning up those certainty withdrawal symptoms (avoiding reaching out, procrastinating meetings, etc) with some of the newest neuroplasticity exercises.
The techniques from the latest research allow us to interrupt profoundly ingrained neural pathways and create new ones.
It is fascinating to see how fast and easy it is for the human brain to adapt and, more importantly, to "rewire" when given the opportunity.
We worked on her feeling open and safe in the space of paradox or ambiguity.
When was the last time you felt open and safe in your body?
Can you conjure the feeling?
I instantly feel my shoulders and center of gravity drop when I do it.
Embodiment is crucial.
You can have the wildest ambitions or the most inspiring dreams; your nervous system will dictate how far you go.
It worked so well; she asked to rewire her thoughts about the stress of asking for a raise!
This neuroplasticity stuff speeds up the coaching results so much, I might have to rethink the timing of my coaching program :)
Talk about uncertainty!
PS: Looking to create your professional dream journey? Join The Clarity Group Coaching and learn the foundational steps to getting hired. The next month's cohort will welcome 20 executives on February 1st. Your career is about you, never about your resume or the market.
PPS: Get your vision done in an hour. You'll gain energy, clarity, and drive all at once for the next 6 months! We already have six executives who got the new job they wanted!
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