How To Be Your Own Cassandra Minus The Curse.
Mar 15, 2023
My friend Filippo Cosmelli creates art experiences.
He makes every past object/location/story come alive as if you hear it for the first time.
He mesmerizes you by bringing the old into the now.
I live in the future. I love reading futurists, trying to understand how discoveries, the unknown, and seeking possibilities I can barely see.
The challenge is bringing it into the now like him.
It's an art that I have yet to master.
Years of interviewing have given me a wealth of data on how individuals approach their life's work.
Some have a vocation and, like Filippo, found their path early.
Some are explorers and, like bees, will go from job to job following their curiosity towards new nectars.
Some are builders who bring structures. They seek large projects that will satisfy their capacity.
Some are believers whose mission is to bring purpose into their work.
Some are rebels who refuse to be defined by others and must learn to carve their own path.
The list goes on.
But for everyone comes a tipping point.
The day you choose to embrace your relationship with your work.
The day you commit to your path.
As synchronicity will have it, this quote showed up on Instagram:
"It's ironic when someone complains about the quality of their relationship as though it is not a direct reflection of the relationship they have with themselves."
Like in partnerships, the quality of your relationship with your work reflects the quality of your relationship with yourself.
Sleepy brings boring…
Anger brings resistance, etc.
I know it can be challenging to hear at first;
I didn't realize my fusional relationship with work until the burnout.
Anais Nin captured this feeling so beautifully:
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Good news: you always have a choice.
The choice of becoming a creator.
Whether the flavor: is a builder-creator or a rebel-creator, that's up to you.
Apollo gave Cassandra the gift of predicting the future. But when she didn't want to be with him, he added a curse: no one would believe her predictions.
It is relatively easy to predict the future.
What we struggle with is external validation.
Plan your future; others will believe you when they see your results.
I'll take a shot at making an easy prediction; believe it or not:
100% of people who opt for a healthy relationship with their work become creators.
Creators are individuals who choose to get off the blaming, frustration, and resentment bus and decide to get in the driver's seat.
They can drive fast or slow, take highways or country roads, put on loud music, or chat with their teams.
The possibilities are endless and they are having fun with it.
I believe we can radically change our relationship with work.
I did it.
My clients do it.
Fulfillment and meaning come from within.
Not from your company.
Create your vision first.
Then execute your future.
BTW, I adore receiving your responses, so I decided to publish
this newsletter on substack and make this a conversation!
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