To Be or Not Just Do.
Apr 10, 2023
We're using the wrong metrics to measure work and then wonder why we get frustrated.
I've been aware of this for some time, but knowing it intellectually isn't the same as truly understanding it.
In banking, they called it "golden handcuffs." The lure of a big bonus to keep you locked into the culture.
In the luxury or art industries, it's the opposite: the brand's image compensates for a higher salary.
I'm not here to preach about reforming the system.
But I've found that people who do regular reality checks have the most successful careers and are less likely to experience boredom or burnout.
From time to time, ask yourself:
"Is the deal I made at work three years ago still serving my soul?"
The world is changing at the speed of light, and so are we. If you forget to check in with yourself, it doesn't matter whether you make $100k or over $1 million.
Taking a moment to pause and reflect on our situation with gentle but radical honesty is always worth it.
You might keep everything the same. Yet, your soul will thank you for having checked in.
If I start complaining or blaming, I know something is off for me. And whether I interview or coach talent, those are symptoms of a deeper issue.
In truth, the successful people we most envy are those whose eyes glitter with joy when they talk about what they do.
Give your career a Vision on April 12th.
And join the group to give your talent Clarity; it’s where you can focus on your career’s soul to fill your eyes with joy!
PS: Have you found one book that nourished your career and soul? If so, please let me know the title; I'm starting a book list!
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