Work is one of my favorite vices.
Mar 10, 2023
We all have vices.
Mine are work, everything quantum, and 2 others I only share over cocktails. :)
Talking about work, I have tried it all:
as a recruiter providing talent to companies,
then as a coach helping executives transform their careers,
& experiencing a bored-out and burnout myself.
I have a Ph.D. in All Things Career Related.
And I've always been fascinated by talent that managed to reach their highest ambitions without getting engulfed by work.
They are not in reactive mode but instead seem to be pulled by a vision for themselves, without giving excess importance to their work.
It's difficult to explain but think of drinking tea... you might like it iced or warm, but it won't be pleasurable if it's frozen or boiling.
In recruiting or coaching, I gauge people's temperature by listening to their words and getting a feel for their energy.
Frozen will sound like, "I am considering leaving the industry. I can't take it anymore.
Things are getting too transactional."
And boiling is "I'm exhausted, in pre-burnout."
Neither of these states gets you hired, promoted or happy.
Work is alluring to hyperactive brains. It keeps them focused on solving complex challenges
and generating results that in turn will provide external validation.
But if not managed well, those hyperactive brains can become hungry ghosts.
Requiring more work, complexity, and of course, more external validation.
I've been there.
5 years ago, my biggest professional achievement was having worked with the most iconic brands;
today it's having found that healthy rapport with work.
And I can share that Work and I are in a joyful & financially rewarding relationship.
We are committed to each other,
respectful of each other's boundaries,
and inspired by each other.
Over the past 2 years, I have created a process for myself and now share it with other nonlinear executives.
Those who, like me, love work a little too much to develop satisfying and joyous relationships with their careers.
BTW, it's not just that we have hungry brains.
The past decade has been all about productivity. Thank you, Tim, for your 4-hour week!
We are deep in a hustle culture that made us believe rest is a dirty word.
Finding our equilibrium is the holy grail as the world speeds up and complexifies.
You know.. the eye of the storm aka the calmest part of the hurricane.
How you get there is up to you.
All roads lead to Rome.
In retrospect, I found the solo route arduous, lengthy, and full of blind spots.
That's why I created the Group Coaching to share the tools I found the most pertinent and the community for support and fun on the journey.
It is my wish for all of us to create purposeful, ambitious, and deeply satisfying careers!
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