Are you rooting for OR against yourself?

Feb 09, 2023

The clients I coach are really smart.
But their brilliance can turn against them.
Yes. It's a thing... you can be too smart for your own good.

One of my clients is renegotiating her contract.
As soon as she finished sharing her new terms, she immediately told me 15 reasons why her boss would disagree.

I stopped her:
Who's team exactly are you on?

Intelligent people see both sides of the equation.
Like their mind has its own debate club.
They excel at seeing the pros and cons.
And that's great for business.
Not so helpful when you ask for a raise or a promotion or when looking for a new job.

You root against yourself when you give weight to the other party.
As subtly as:
"I can see why...
they wouldn't have the budget...
there need to stick to company standards...
someone with more [insert experience] would be best..."
Those thoughts are not helpful.
You are negotiating against yourself.

Shift from being your worst critic to becoming your biggest fan.

Imagine putting on a t-shirt with your name in bold letters and giving the debate club a rest.

And start believing in yourself unapologetically.
Believe what you desire is yours.

The Superbowl is next weekend.
You know both teams fully believe they will be winning that cup.

The team that didn't wouldn't stand a chance.
They wouldn't have a fan club either.

If you are negotiating something for yourself, decide to go for the win.
Be all in.
If you need a coach and a fan club, join the Clarity Group coaching.
We are all in for each other.
I want to root for you.
Let's go!


PS: In the Clarity Program, I coach you to believe in your skills and your unique talent. Work is a game with high stakes, $ and players. Without confidence, competence gets passed by. As a recruiter, I hated seeing talent stay on the benches. Learning to sell your expertise is the most valuable skill you can have. Becoming your biggest fan will get you the dream job. Once there, let your brain debate about business all it wants. 
PPS: The next Vision workshop is March 8th at 1 pm. Sign up here and create a compelling vision for your career. 

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