Baby Yoda changed my perception of wisdom.
Apr 10, 2023
Finally, I was looking forward to playing the wise owl with age.
After all, I felt l earned my stripes having gone through burnout, divorce, and a career pivot.
But then Star Wars released a new character: Baby Yoda.
How can a baby be wise ???
I had always been told, and assumed wisdom was the privilege of age.
This was the first time I saw a toddler symbolizing wisdom.
Even Jesus waited to be in his thirties.
Baby Yoda shattered my beliefs about wisdom.
It's called cognitive dissonance - when information and belief contradict each other.
Slowly it made sense: I started seeing Baby Yodas sprouting here and there:
Emma Gonzalez talking about gun violence
Greta Thunberg scolding adults on the urgency of climate change.
Even my kids and my younger friends seemed more thoughtful than I ever was as a young adult, let alone as a teen!
The evidence was emerging.
Once I saw this youthful expression of wisdom, it was apparent: kids -still in school– challenged how I thought about everything.
I crossed the Rubicon last year when I massively invested in my learning, and believed it or not, I hired, paid, and learned an entirely new career from 3 younger coaches, one two decades younger than me...
Skip the math, for your sake and mine!
Long story short, the Force has shifted!
Time to stretch our beliefs and forget about top-down and be ready for bottom-up.
Question what you thought.
Gray hair no longer guarantees sageness, and since
fashion eradicated wrinkles, we can't rely on that either.
I want to hear about your experience. I am sure you have one or 2 Baby Yodas around you.
Cultivate those relationships.
That's how we stay relevant.
It starts with creating a solid vision for yourself.
You can join me on April 12th for the last free Career Vision workshop (available for purchase after that date).
And then, we cultivate clarity. The pandemic pushed many into a career fog. It's good news; it means you are ready for a spring refreshment: clarify your expertise and plan for your future career.
"It takes a very long time to become young."
Pablo Picasso
PS: I almost forgot.. the Sur Mesure Podcast is back :)
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