Would you buy career insurance?

Oct 12, 2022


Would you buy career insurance? 


My guess is yes. 
After years of interviewing executives, I can tell that 95% love to work, contribute their skills to a project, seek growth AND are uncomfortable interviewing whenever they are in-between jobs. 


Even when executives are confident about their skillset, they lack confidence in selling those skills. For a brief moment, they are like a fish out of water, fearing their skills will never find the right opportunity/company/project again to continue to thrive. 


That in-between space is where executives lose their superpowers because their brain starts focusing only on their weakness.


The pandemic reminded us all that:
1/ security is illusory, and 
2/ security can't be delegated; others are busy taking care of themselves too.


Trying to control the external world is futile: you have no control over your industry, very little over your company's earnings, and none over your manager's moods :)


You can only manage how you show up and respond to change. 


Serenity is that internal security. 
It doesn't mean that you are forever shielded from all challenges.
Rather, serenity is the deep knowing that you will figure things out as they come. 
"If it works out, great, and if it doesn't, even better." You relax into knowing that something better you could not have imagined or planned is about to come.


If you have spent most of your life controlling outcomes as I have, this last paragraph must have rubbed you the wrong way. Sorry!


With commitment and consistency, you can easily get there. 
Having gone through the trenches, I can assure you that a path exists, and here are the basics instructions:


1- Create an exciting vision for your future, which acts like a GPS.
2- Manage your brain and put it where it belongs: in the passenger seat. "You are in control" and drive it; vs. it controlling you with fear.
3- Replace some of that old extracting fuel that drives you with more sustainable and recyclable energy- going hybrid if you want.


The more you feel security within, the more magnetic you are. 
Needy energy is a variation of fear; humans, like dogs, smell it miles away. 


Now you can wait for someone to create a company that ensures careers, or you can start investing in yourself. 


Coaching is perhaps the closest you get to career insurance because when you invest in yourself, you'll start to believe you are valuable. 


That's how everything shifts.


Your brain will start finding evidence of your worth to validate your investment. Training your brain to find relevant information is how you get skilled at managing it.


"The best investment you can make is in yourself. The more you learn, the more you earn."-Warren Buffett.


It's all about investing in you vs investing on you...Imagine a world where women swapped their Chanel bags for coaching. Ooh, that might be an idea!!


Much love, 


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