Why I'm thinking of charging men higher prices...
May 12, 2023
I spoke with a talented 50+ white male this week, and after a nice start, I lost it.
In a few words, he had an early break and a tremendous professional ride: cool brands, great work, and great titles.
Fast forward, his career has gone downhill, and he is now in a career fog.
He wants a job in a good company with good products and obviously a good pay.
Let's call him Ryan.
He is unconvincingly applying to jobs from his miserable-maybe desk, wondering why he gets ghosted.
He calls me to inquire about coaching.
I probe with a few questions to assess the depths of his situation and level of vulnerability.
Then, I explain how coaching can build back confidence, and break belief ceilings, to regain control of his career.
He interrupts me:
I just want "someone" to find me a job.
Hmm, did I hear what I heard?
Does he want a career babysitter?
I lost it!
Yes I own it.
I became a lot more direct.
"You had it easy for so many years, and now you are in a slump; yes, it is very uncomfortable, I've been there and it's also a unique opportunity to turn inward and create the new you.
Getting your career back to where your ambition is will take commitment, time, and money.
A coach will reflect, hold space, and ensure you don't get lost or wallow.
But anyone who tells you they will do the work for you is selling you snake oil.
Don't bother with the resume; it's just cosmetic work.
You know where to find me.
The words came out like flames from a dragon's mouth. Not my best delivery; I later apologized for the tone (not the substance) in a follow-up email.
I get paid to recruit superstars.
And I coach individuals to reconnect with their inner superstars.
If you don't find yourself the hottest candidate, who will?
Now I thought long and hard about why this triggered me.
I can empathize being 50+, the career fog, the shitty feeling of being ghosted—even the grueling process of impersonal application.
But a grown up men wanting to be saved was too much for me.
No Saving Ryan here.
Coaching could use a blue tax like women's razors have a pink one.
If you want it, let's make it happen. You can schedule a consult for the next 7 openings in September - Nov 2023.
Much love,
PS: The latest podcast will cover ageism - for some it starts as early as 35 :)
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