Like Surgery, Coaching is About Precision.

Jan 12, 2023

We use listening like surgeons use knives.

Here is how it goes...

We have about 70,000 thoughts daily.

That's over 4,000 per hour (take out sleep and Instagram).

If you are a mom, multiply that by the number of kids you have.

Yup, our brains are busy.
Hence to find respite from our minds, we zone out on social media, do triathlons or try meditation.

But meditation is challenging because that's when you really hear the nagging metallic voice reading your thoughts like a to-do list:

"what am I cooking tonight,
remember to ask candidate her resume,
call and book dentist,
confirm meeting,
buy toilet paper,

I did quite a bit of meditation, and with training, the volume would quiet down, but as soon as I got off the cushion, brain traffic was back to subway peak hour.

Coaching has been a revolution for me.

Once I became curious about my thinking, everything changed.

First, you see the flow.

Next, you become curious about the flavor of the flow... critical, comparative, frustrated, or redundant.

Eventually, you realize that you are repeating one same thought 4,000 times daily.

Then you dive deeper and look for the trigger that brings that thought over and over.

If the thought is about the future, we call it anxiety; about the past, it's depression.

And eventually, you realize you are so fabulously creative and agile that you can create a million variations/ scenarios of pretty much one single thought.


Coaching is like surgery for the brain.
We get very curious about the thoughts, which are relatively easy to read for a trained ear. Thousands of interviews later, I can tell in 10 mn how people relate to their work.

That's the coaching game: finding that one thought that creates the 4,000 others.

Then we can decide to change it.

There are many techniques, but deep listening, a bias-free mind (as much as possible), and kindness are prerequisites to creating trust.
It's what makes coaching possible.

They say: time is your most valuable resource.
Attention is your most precious resource!

In Social Dilemma, Tristan Harris says it best: "if you're not paying for the product, then you are the product."

Social media knows this very well. They are after your attention.

Once they have it, you forget time :)

Thoughts can manage you, or you can manage them.
That's why coaching is spreading like wildfire; it's empowering.

Welcome to thought surgery.


PS: If your primary thoughts are about work, whether it's getting a new job, sharing your skills with confidence, feeling relevant, and in demand, join the clarity group coaching.
We meet once a week. Registrations are open for the February cohort. 

PPS: I also have a list of amazing coaches for every subject you can imagine: dating, ADHD, managing a cancer diagnosis, money, and becoming queer later in life. DM me; I'll be happy to refer you to names.

PPPS: Mark your calendar, the next Vision card workshop is on February 7th at 5 pm EST. Register here for free.

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