I forbid my clients to contact recruiters until...
Apr 26, 2023
When executives looking to boost their careers join my career clarity group coaching, I tell them they can only reach recruiters, HR or network once they have done their Clarity Card.
Here are the behind-the-scenes numbers of a search:
Out of 100 candidates, I'll interview:
95 are confused, vague, or verbose..
4 speak clearly and concisely about their skills.
1 is a superstar. They sell their skills clearly and have a strong vision.
The frustrating issue is that among the 95, I meet competent, high-potential talent who don't know how to articulate or sell their value.
Recruiters will extract your genius in 30 mn.
But none have the time to prep you to meet a client and therefore will put your resume in the "missed-opportunity" category.
Missed opportunity for you and them: you not getting the job and them not placing you.
It is even more frustrating to know you are qualified and can do the job but don't get that second call.
Truth is, it happens a lot because we learn many skills, just not the most important one:
To have a vision and sell your own skills!
Since I don't like to see talent go to waste, I created a method for executives to win interviews confidently.
The three pillars of the course are:
1- How to articulate your professional worth - that's the Clarity Card.
2- How to share your achievements without bragging or justifying.
3- How to communicate presence and confidence, and curiosity.
It's part technical and part mindset.
It's also practice.
I place few executives through recruiting.
So knowing the candidates I coach are getting jobs thanks to my training has amplified my "feel good" tenfold.
I am shaping the group coaching to make getting a new job inevitable.
To make talent shine bright and far!
We all have ambitions and skills to share.
If you experienced missed opportunities, schedule a call with me. I'll let you know straight up which category you play in.
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