I'm giving you Time & Power.

Feb 15, 2023

I've been writing for a year.

As a thank you, I want to give you two gifts: 


The gifts of TIME & POWER


Let's start with TIME: 


It takes five minutes to read this newsletter.


If you have not signed up for one of my free vision workshops or inquired about my paid coaching,
you might enjoy my words, but you are wasting your time.  


You will benefit from unsubscribing. 


Closing a tab will create immediate space in your brain and calendar. 


Use it wisely, or not, you are sovereign! Do more of what the hell feels good to you! Whether it's 5 more minutes of sleep or Netflix.


Now, POWER: 


Yup, I love giving bold gifts.


Liberate yourself from FOMO. 

Hit unsubscribe. 


Believe that you already have all the answers in you. 

Because it's true. You do. 

Anyone who tells you otherwise activates your fear to sell you a remedy.


Choosing is exercising power. 



You just got more time and power. 

Change has a bad rap. Most think it's hard. I am training in change-work and with the right techniques, we literally create new neuron pathways.


You'll feel lighter. 

You'll have more energy.

You are free to go.


If you are still reading, change work is a fascinating development that uses neuroplasticity techniques to create new connections in your brain so change becomes easy.


Even with a very stubborn brain like mine, these techniques worked wonders.


Now if you insist on staying, I'll ask you to commit to yourself, your career, and your coach by doing one of the following:

- reply with one line to say hi and that you want to continue receiving my newsletter.

- add joy to your career and get your vision card done in March


- stop chasing work and start attracting your dream job, promotion, or raise by joining my group coaching program 


It's time to reclaim your time and power.

Will you stay or will you go? 


Much love, 



PS: Join me at the next Career Vision Workshop happening on March 8.


PPS : Join us inside the Clarity Group Coaching!


PPPS: I'm planning a 4-hour Get Hired Masterclass in-person in NY on March 21st for 10 people.
Reply NYC Get Hired Masterclass to get on the list. 

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