I flirted with work then it dumped me. We are back together now!
Apr 14, 2023
I love work and work loves me.
But we had some drama break-ups before getting there.
First, we started with the best flirting...
I was young. Work was a fun and sexy. The perfect partner to express my skills and energy, I was discovering the corporate world, and had time on my hand. Plus, I was getting paid :)
Eventually, it presented me a demanding boss which covered up my own demanding self; then kids showed up and that required some serious agenda juggling.
Years passed, distractions came, work became all about production and doing. I oscillated between hustling and quiet quitting.
Our relationship was exhausting.
I beat myself for it and burned out.
Gone was my happily-ever-after career.
End of story.
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
― John Lennon
I picked myself up again.
I felt I didn't have a choice, and deeply doubted my ability to make it work.
I realized my relationship with work had been very transactional: money, recognition and even a way to distract myself from myself - urgh!
I had lost the joy and inspiration.
As a recruiter, I know the spectrum of success is infinite and that what can look like a great career, can cover a personal mess and vice versa
And I don't know for you but don't want a shallow or cringy success.
After exploring the unconscious beliefs I projected onto work, I carved my own recipe for success.
I am proud of the transformation and can happily share that work and I are having the most fun, purposeful and rewarding time ever recruiting & coaching.
We are committed to each other and have date nights where we plan our future, like how to creatively work on 2 continents with amazing clients that can also include mini-sabbaticals to explore writing.
Work is a one of my favorite way to self-express, like some love styling or cooking - I like eating :)
Becoming conscious of our beliefs is how everything changes.
And the most surprising thing was discovering that it doesn't require any doing! WHAT!?!
Instead, it starts with a willingness to take a minute to listen to yourself. Yup, despite what we've been told, it's all inside of you.
It’s so worth it, financially too!
What's your relationship with work?
Single, married or it's complicated..
PS: playing with new tools is how I stay creative so I'm trying out short podcasts, lmk what you think.
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