My Mother's Pet Peeve.

Jan 25, 2023

After a 2-year palate cleanser, I am recruiting again.

I remember being in my mother's office while she was selecting a summer intern to join her team. She would look at resumes and throw those with spelling mistakes.

I recall being shocked and attempting to argue with her that maybe the person was super knowledgeable, innovative or efficient.
It was her pet peeve, and nothing would change that.

As much as I tried avoiding looking like her, the apple didn't fall far from the tree!

My pet peeve is that I will discard from my searches any talent complaining about their current job during the first interview.

With coaching, I have learned that complaints, when investigated, bring a lot of exciting information. So, after extensive scientific research, I have started classifying them.

Complaints about colleagues often reveal soft communication skills. 
Complaints about their salary can indicate low self-worth.
General complaints about "work" often indicate the candidate is at the edge of burnout or a career fog.
And when a person just feels like complaining for the sake of it; then I start speaking French, and off we go on a tangent 😜. 

We don't see the world as it is;
We see the world as we are.

We think we are speaking about things external to us but how we speak about stuff is a reflection of our minds.

Coaching is where we can vent our rage against everything we face at work, not in interviews.

And god knows that after the massive shifts forced upon us during a pandemic, we can all use some space to vent.

If you are interviewing, forget about redoing your resume (I am okay with typos!). Instead, address your thoughts about your colleagues, industry, and career.

Even better, do so in a community where you feel heard. Being with people when you are doing new or challenging things is more fun 🤩. 

Much love,

PS: Looking to create your professional dream journey? Join The Clarity Group Coaching and learn the foundational steps to getting hired. The next month's cohort will welcome 20 executives on February 1st.  Your career is about you, never about your resume or the market.
PPS: Get your vision done in an hour. You'll gain energy, clarity, and drive all at once for the next 6 months! We already have six executives who got the new job they wanted! 

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