My self doubt is better than yours.
Feb 23, 2023
What if I told you imposter syndrome, inadequacy & self-doubt are old habits your brain created and keeps playing with?
Deeply ingrained ones.
Mine has even a sharp voice and will suddenly shout, "you are not enough!" as soon as it fears I am going into a comfort zone, aka relaxing.
For long, I thought the antidote was developing stronger boundaries or better meditation practice.
Don't get me wrong, that helps.
But I am learning a new level of change work by getting certified in neuroplasticity coaching. We focus on rewiring the brain to change those habitual/ default patterns directly.
Change happens so much faster and easier when you locate the trigger.
For example, if you were repeatedly told you would never be great at presenting school class projects, you might now avoid public speaking, interviews can feel painful, etc.
Now, imagine you could quiet down that pesky self-doubt voice in your head by wiring new neurons together.
Envision a more positive emotion, like hanging out with your best friend, and now paste that feeling on your next interview.
My clients don't have a competence issue. They are good at what they do. But, habits were created over the years, and some can use a spring cleaning.
If work is not bringing you joy, you can change that.
My purpose is to bring joy to every executive.
Burnout, bored-out, and glass ceilings are just growth opportunities.
After years of interviewing, I know careers are rarely all rainbows and unicorns, and candidates on edge don't get hired.
Wanting to grow, expand, and thrive is human nature.
I created the career group coaching program for executives to rewire their relationships with work while making meaningful connections.
This program is about strengthening the drive and confidence to succeed. And you might even make some new friends along the way.
So if you're ready to replace self-doubt with an inspiring vision for your career, I invite you to join me in this exciting program. Just click the link below to learn more and sign up:
Join the Career Group Coaching Program
Your future is your property.
PS: Vision workshop is on March 8th. Hundreds of people have done their vision cards. Come do yours and create your future!
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