The Good Candidate.
Mar 01, 2023
I am fond of GOOD candidates.
They start the interview with a little too much eagerness.
Ask generic questions and want to get the answers right.
They cling to the job description.
Make sure all T's are crossed, leaving no stone unturned.
Expectations are met. Nothing less but nothing more, either.
They know the drill and the rules.
The best good students are diligent, quick learners, and bien evidemment reassuring.
It's reliable and perfect if you are interviewing x Ralph Lauren.
This story continues like this for a while until it doesn't.
One day, they realize they lost part of themselves in the process. And can't continue forward without that part.
The trigger can be either external, like a job loss /relocation, or internal; they bore their own selves out.
Just for fun, I tried all of the above :)
My apologies if I met you during my goody-two-shoes phase.
Most of us are good students at the School Of Our Own Beliefs.
We execute well.
We work diligently.
We do what fits this specific perimeter we demarcated.
But if you see others around you getting promoted faster, paid better, or having more fun, don't get annoyed at them.
They are happily chugging along.
Instead, please take it as a cue.
It means it's time for you to stretch out, get out of hibernation, put the comforter back on the shelf, and start:
Exploring the edges of yourself.
Maybe even stepping outside of our imagined fences.
And reconnecting with others, where they are, without waiting for them to meet us at our door.
Time to look for greener and more fun pastures.
Who do you want to be in 5 years?
And, more importantly, how do you want to feel?
I decided I'll be something I am not yet - I bore myself very quickly- like a podcaster, a writer or a competitive dancer. Maybe all at once in 15 years!
That would definitely make me feel powerfully me.
PS: NO MORE PS. This is the last one. So I invite you to read e v e r y l e t t e r with your exquisite attention.
Your power resides in your capacity to imagine your future, speak about yourself with clarity and decide to take action (aka press a button) towards greener pastures.
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