This Year, I am Initiating a Big Leap.
Jan 04, 2023Happy and prosperous new year!
This year I am initiating a big leap.
I don’t need to change anything; I want to.
Since experiencing burnout, I know too well that change for the sake of change is useless. Because without a meaningful purpose, change feels like an arm wrestling with your resolutions and a recipe for exhaustion for those born with extra determination.
What I have learned to appreciate is inviting change. The shift happens in the brain before it happens in real life.
That is the inception: creating an invitation so enticing, others cannot refuse it.
Of course, you carry the risk of hearing a no, which is actually where the fun begins.
Whether personally or professionally, it is our job to create invitations that others want to participate in.
The temptation to stay put has increased tenfold post-pandemic. Your family, friends, and your company want you to keep doing what you do well. You are reliable. But this space can quietly turn into a comfortable zone.
And that is where your soul can wither. We lose the exquisite attention of the beginnings and boredom, compromises or unfulfilled wishes pile up.
Coaching is an invitation to anticipate and welcome change. We change the thoughts and the narrative first, never the actions.
In fact, I forbid my clients from interviewing during the first month we work together. They are always surprised because most of them want a new job.
But once their professional desire is turned on, something even more surprising happens … they start receiving calls for interviews.
We all know, desire is magnetic so Once the narrative in our heads changes, our reality cannot stay put.
Create a vision you desire and your mind will follow through with all sorts of new juicy ideas.
See below for 2 mind-expanding invitations…
Happy Wednesday!
PS: here is a in-person invitation… Let's meet on January 9th at 6:30 pm at Neuehouse to discuss neuroplasticity and change! Click here to RSVP.
PPS: and virtually the next day, I invite you to my unique Vision Workshop to create that bold and exquisite vision for your career. It's the first and essential step to create magnetic invitations.
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